An actual play JSON api that allows you to search for key terms across a whole season of Friends at the Table transcripts at once!

The main api endpoint is /api/search. It takes a simple GET request with a few query parameters:

the return value is a json object like this:

    "next_page": "abcd" || null, // pagination token - use for next_page!
    "data": [
            "title": "episode title",
            "curiosity_id": 0, // episode id - (season * 1000) + episode-number
            "docs_id": "abc", // google docs id for the transcript
            "slug": "123-abc-deg", // episode slug
            "season": "autumn-in-hieron",
            "highlights": [  // aray of highlighted sentences
              [ // a single sentence
                { text: "abc", highlighted: false }, // components of sentence, and whether they should or shouldn't be highlighted
                { text: "def", highlighted: true },
                { text: "efg", highlighted: false },